
9 way to improve your marriage

1. Be generous in your behaviour and ethics with your spouse

It has been said, “Generosity and kindness cover the faults of this world and the hereafter”. So if you are generous, your generosity will cover all your faults and contribute to your success and the continuation of your marriage. Simple things such as being generous with your kind and affectionate words go a long way toward the happiness of your spouse. Please take it further by being generous with your actions and serving them. Another important thing to be gracious in a marriage is giving gifts to each other as much as possible like we were encouraged to do by our beloved Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h when he said  “Give presents to one another for this would increase your mutual love.” 

2. Explore things together

Experiences give life a different flavour. Try different types of food, and activities and visit various places with your spouse. Explore exotic places together like hiking in the mountains, swimming or spending time together camping. Such experiences strengthen the bond between you and add a different flavour to life, just as the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h used to do sporting races with Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her. 

3. Have fun

Having fun reduces stress, gets rid of boredom, brings joy, dispels gloom and increases love. When the couple follows the “give & take” approach, this ruler will contribute to the longevity of the marriage. Being playful does not mean making fun of each other, but rather having fun with each other pleasantly and lovingly. This also means having respectful boundaries in some actions when in public with regards to being playful. Nevertheless, having fun with your spouse is an essential component of a successful marriage. 

4. Express your feelings

Express you love and longning, even it its through a message, a sticky note, a gift or even a love letter. Words of affection and emotions have a strong impact in how develop feelings with a person. So your spouse is a crucial individual in knowing and understanding your feelings towards them. Choose your words carefully when expressing yourself and use kind words such as “I miss you, I long for you, I yearn for you.” 

5. Family relationship

Oftentimes, the kindness of the spouse’s family can be a major reason for the continuation of the marriage despite many problems between spouses. When the parents and family members are of good character, kindness and understanding, sacrificing them can be very difficult. They also tend to want the best for both of you, therefore they contribute positively to the growth of your marriage. 

6. Alone time

 Relationships between any two people succeed when each of them respects the other’s privacy by giving them time on their own. Your spouse needs their own space and have the time to pursue their hobbies and goals. They also need specific times for relaxation, extracurricular activities or socialising with their friends. The more respect given to each person’s alone time and their own space, the longer the marriage will last and both spouses will feel happy.

7. Don’t exaggerate avoidance

Exaggerating avoidance in a marriage can cause serious harm to the relationship. Learn to communicate and address your marital issues while maintaining the relationship without cutting off your spouse. There is a fine line between giving your own space and alone time and being avoided. You should also not use avoidance as a means to punish your spouse, unless in a very rare circumstance as mentioned in the Qur’an.

8. Sacrifice

All relationships sometimes require sacrifices. Learn to wisely yield and sacrifice your needs over your spouses needs. In many cases where a small issue can be easily solved may require one of the spouses to yield so that the relationship can grow stronger. A wise partner will appreciate and acknowledge when their wife/husband sacrifices for their sake. 

9. Preserving the Flavour

Everyone is unique in their own way. We have different personalities and traits that make us who we are. In a marriage, you must be careful not to impose your personality on your spouse. Don’t try to impose certain things to change how they are and what makes them unique. Our differences is what add the flavour to our realtionships.


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