

Find Compatible Muslim Spouse

“And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect.”

Qur’an – 30:21

How It Works

This is NOT a dating app.
It is the only Islamic service that matches you only with compatible potentials.


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Complete our compatibility questionnaire

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Find users who are most compatible with you

Efficient Compatibility

Are you tired of wasting time talking to random people for days, weeks or months just to stumble on a deal breaker? Then realise you were not compatible all along?

We understand how you feel. So we have made it easy for you to find your Muslim spouse and to get married InshaAllah.


Verified users


Only compatible potentials


Connect with Wali

Marriage Essentials

We have compiled the most important questions potential spouses want to know before marriage. We match users according to how similar they are in terms of their faith, religious practice, core values and many more. This is to reduce the amount of time serious candidates waste when seeking a spouse. We also cut down all the unnecessary chit-chat that is unnecessary and time-wasting.


1. What is My Islamic Spouse?
It’s an Islamic matrimonial website designed to match compatible users according to a specific questionnaire based on common questions asked by potential spouses seeking marriage. It covers topics such as religious practice, lifestyle, personality, etc.
2. How is MIS any different from other Islamic matrimonial websites?
Well, for starters, we save you the time to ask all the most important questions you’d usually ask a potential spouse. This tedious time-consuming chit-chat doesn’t exist on our platform. MIS is not a dating website, it’s an Islamic matchmaking service for serious people.
3. How do I create my profile?

Register using your Gmail and phone number. Then enter information about yourself such as name/nickname, date of birth, location etc. To see other users' compatibility score, you must complete our compatibility questionnaire.

4. Is it FREE to use MIS?
Yes!! But there’s a catch. You have to complete our compatibility questionnaire in order to fully experience all our features. Once you fully complete our compatibility questionnaire, you will be able to see the most compatible users according to your search criteria and compatibility percentage according to how similar your answers are in the questionnaire.
5. How private is MIS?

Your photos and identity are private by default. You have the control to reveal your photo to users you match with. We also use the best privacy regulations to make sure your information is safe and secure.

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